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What is Soul Centre Healing Hypnosis (SCHH ©)?


This is a past life regression technique developed by Laura Whitworth, it is a soul centred approach combining past life regression and quantum healing practices. Sessions are completed on Zoom.


This modality involves the deep relaxation of the body and mind using focused techniques to take you down into the deep alpha and theta brainwave states. This prepares you for a journey through time and space to visualise the past lives you need to experience and connect with your higher self.


The treatment session conducts an overhaul of the physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic body systems using intentional quantum and visualisation practices to identify and remove any densities or blockages that may exist in your energy fields. Cleansing these systems will promote the optimum connection with your higher self and spirit team and the best mind space for past life regression and further healing across the Quantum field.


Under deep alpha and theta state you remain aware of your body and environment and as such you remain in control. For example  you are still conscious of a need to scratch your nose or the feeling of hunger. Deep alpha and theta brainwave states are experienced throughout our normal day for example, when watching television, cleaning or driving and in the conscious state just before or after sleep.So it is nothing new for us and as such should enable a feeling of ease and wellbeing. Once we go through the process of  relaxing your mind and body you will remain in deep alpha or theta state for most of the session. This will allow the right brain to come more into play improving the ability to visualise and connect with your higher self and spirit team on a deeper level.


You will be taken on a journey through time and space to visit the lifetimes that you need to witness at this particular time to promote healing and an understanding of who you are in this life. Following the past life experience a connection with the higher self is established and the purpose of the lifetimes experienced will be explored. This time is also spent exploring opportunities for further healing and if required the energetic and auric systems will be rebuilt and repaired so you will be protected from future entities or energies. The session is completed with the Higher self being given opportunity to answer the questions you prepared.


Once you gently come out of hypnosis and back to this current time, space and reality there will be a post session chat and overview of your experiences.


Healing continues over the next few days. You will be provided with a recording of your session. When you view your own session it can bring further insights and healing forward as the information is integrated into your very being. 






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